Wayne Johnston

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams

Canada   1998

Genre de texte

RĂȘve du narrateur, Joey Smallwood. Vers le dĂ©but du roman, Smallwood marche le long du chemin-de-fer de Terre-Neuve pour essayer de syndiquer les travailleurs le long du chemin. Il se fait prendre dans une tempĂȘte de neige.

Texte original

Texte témoin
The Colony of Unrequited Dreams, Toronto: Vintage, 1999, p. 226.

Joey Smallwood

Sombrer dans la neige

At some point on our journey down the tracks, I was lulled to sleep by a warm, peaceful drowsiness that I knew I should resist but couldn’t. I dreamed, though it seemed more vivid and more tactile than a dream, that I was wading out to sea, a sea unlike the one I knew, a calm, warm, hospitable, inviting sea.

I awoke momentarily to find myself slumped in a washtub filled, or being filled, with hot water.

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